Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Let the chips fall

My second month here is quickly approaching and now that I have my own room without any of the Tannery crew around, I find it difficult to get enough time on these public computers to actually write in this thing. Mid-day during the week seems ideal. And I learn.

I admittedly have a reasonably sized hang-over today, as the last two days were spent celebrating Dustin's birthday. House party potluck on Saturday, the biggest game of asshole ever last night. Things got a little out of hand towards the end of the night, though given the amount of alcohol consumed everyone came out OK today, I think. I've chosen to spend my day by myself and in retrospect, though my ability to over think almost everything is very much alive and intact whether alone or with company anyhow. Either way I have to be up early for work tomorrow, so the rest from social mayhem is needed.

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